Home HeadQuarters had another great turn out to their annual ?Block Blitz?

? 2012 Erin Kelly
by Erin Kelly SYRACUSE (NCC News) The sounds of home improvement came from the 200 block of McLennan Avenue while volunteers spruced up a local neighborhood. Home HeadQuarters hosted its annual Block Blitz where volunteers come out to do small home improvement jobs for residents who don?t have the skills or resources necessary for the projects. Some endeavors tackled by the volunteers were: painting, weeding, installing fences and mailboxes, and landscaping.?
The Volunteers? Point of View
Janelle Fields, a member of Home HeadQuarters development committee, was responsible for a team of ten volunteers at the event.
?I love this community and my business is in this community and I think the Block Blitz is a wonderful opportunity for neighborhoods to come together and for the greater community to come together to support neighborhoods that have former beauty and maybe aren?t so beautiful today,? Fields said.
What It Means to the Residents
Stephanie Miner, the Mayor of Syracuse, stopped by the event and spoke about how important this event is to the residents who live in these homes. Some of who have lived in their homes for over forty years.
?We as a city and all of our partners really care about [the residents] and want to help them stay with dignity and live in these houses, they?re the foundation of our neighborhoods and the foundation of our city,? Miner said.
How to Get Involved
Not only did people volunteer their time, but also many made donations. The Bank of America presented Home HeadQuarters with a check for $20,000.
Home HeadQuarters is a non-profit organization and a charted member of NeighborWorks America. They are focused on property redevelopment, home improvement lending, and homeowner education.
Hear the sounds of home improvement below:
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Source: https://nccnews.expressions.syr.edu/?p=57897
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